If there is no anxiety about future, human settlements will be always peaceful.

What is future? Is it simply the time?? Time can never be controlled by anyone. So, time is not future.

Then what is future? It is nothing but leading a life of dignity without fear in a satisfactory peaceful way. What is required for that ??

Food, Clothes, Shelter. Love, affection, caring.

How the major 3 religions of the world provide for this ? How Hinduism is superior in providing these to mankind?

Distributed job opportunity with guaranteed consumption. Freedom not to work and yet survive happily.
Guaranteed medical treatment at no cost.

Is there a religion or group of human settlements, where these are possible?

A country where if you arrive at, as a stranger, they welcome you with honey, milk, respect and priority for your food before they eat their own food?

For the enslaved and subjugated people who were forced into slavery and hard labour and their females were sold like animals, displayed in nudity .. arriving at such a country where the females will be worshiped as divine, is that not real heaven.

2021 years ago that’s was Prophet Jesus, the Messiah promised to the enslaved. To lead them to the country of honey and milk, peace and prosperity, and on a low tide period they crossed the sea towards India, the land of superior Hinduism, or whatever that was called in those period.

The timing coincided with a Tsunami. The King and his army could not pursue the leaving subjugated masses lead by the Messiah.

If Dharma principles of Hinduism is adapted, there is no fear about the future. No anxiety.

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