Idi Amin was a big talking point in News media, at the time the most dominating media, in the 80s. Many veird information used to come from him. Some of his speeches were jokular and some ridiculed. He was portrayed as someone very weak to foreign women and was doing enormous favours to attract them.
His data is very important to analyse.
Hinduism was the universal natural religion of the world. Not really originated in India. It was native to respective countries. The Zulus of South Arfica, native red indians of North America, Amazonians of South America… Aborigines of Australia… All practiced native religions and languages.
When the natural religious values got diminished, it became fertile ground for breeding Islamic and Christian versions.
But the Islamists quickly became dictators. Col. Qadafi, Sadam Hussain, Idi Amin, Ayathulla Khomeini, … Everyone interpreted Islam to suit them, and everything they did ‘insah allah’…
When strict discipline doctrines, the enforcer becomes dictator automatically. That is the result of death penalty, cruel punishment. With social upheavels, it turns against them.
Keeping all these in mind, Hinduism restricted the role of Kings and placed strictures on them. The citizens were allowed to criticise Kings and make loud protests. Kings feared elderly poets and ordinary humble housewives.
The one without proper family, properly married to pious queen and maintaining dignified married life was must. Producing children is must. Hinduism never produced dictators.
Idi Amin wife, Kyolaba met Idi Amin (50 years) when she was 19 years old. A seminude dancer.The couple married in Kampala in 1975 in a ceremony where Yasser Arafat was the best man. In 1990, Arafat married Suha Tawil, a Palestinian Christian, when he was 61 and Suha, 27.
Kyolaba had been pregnant and in a relationship with the child’s father in Masaka when she met Amin.When she gave birth, and Amin had the child’s birth announced on television as his own, and the real father soon disappeared.
Kyolaba went with Amin when he was forced to leave Uganda in 1979, first to Libya and then to Saudi Arabia, where they eventually settled in Jeddah. Kyolaba separated from Amin in 1982. She travelled to Germany with Faisal Wangita, Amin’s son, leaving her other three children behind. Once in Germany she claimed asylum and worked as a lingerie model, before moving to London.
So, when the founder himself married when he was age 25 and his first wife age 55,and again when he was age 65, and wife age 10 or 12, and in between another dozen wives, often snatched from other married men, What can be expected from Islamists, other than dictorship and cruelty in the name of religion (ironically, the meaning for the word ‘islam’, is ‘peace’).