Ganesh Bhat: Voice of desperation. It is more correct to say that people hear only those worthy of attention. Rest all is noise .
Arivalagan: That’s called confirmation bias, and none of us (as far as I know) are completely free from it.
Ganesh Bhat: People confirm their own bias only by calling others biased. True for everyone.
Yesmart: ‘Selective Amnesia’ is natural order of brain. All living creatures including plants and animals have it.
Ganesh Bhat: Yes, Orderliness/Disorderliness of brain is common to all but the degree varies and that is what matters. You may call this phenomenon by whatever name you like.
Arivalagan: Is it possible to call a disorder by any name?
Ganesh Bhat: Yes Sir.
Our comment: Disorder is also an orderliness in a distractive different perception. Everything is an order. That is Divine order described in Gospels and literature. The Gods order of Pi.. something that is not in order but found uniformly in all living creatures including plant, animals and human beings.
Arivalagan: There is always a cause and effect. For one quote or literature the response may be to another quote.(I think people will understand what I mean).
Yesmart: Maybe, the school teacher doesn’t understand and expect the students to understand. In my perception, you yourself may not understand and cause of today’s initiation but effect is never under our control.
Ganesh Bhat: Ability to control the “uncontrollable ” differs from person to person.
Our Comment:
‘Cause and Effect’ is important message of the day for our ‘Science is Hinduism’.
The cause for prophet Mohammed’s 12 or 13 wives is to bring orderliness and peace. He wanted to create equality and freedom to females. But the effect is different. It created opposite effect of a grand father age person marrying a kid, a teen boy marrying elderly women.
Same way, Jesus Christ wanted to lead the oppressed and suppressed to a country like India, where Hinduism is practiced and all can live with dignity, respect and equally. But unfortunately, Christianity is spreading here creating divisions within society and making people to feel sinners and depressed.