God is in small things. The smallest particle is called God’s particle. It, when collided generates so much of energy that can illuminate the world without Sun. Big mistakes reveals necessity. Small mistakes reveals identity. There are many moral stories weaved around it in Hindu literature.

King Nalan had separated mighty King Bhima’s daughter Damayanthi, wife.

Then Kind Nalan became a Cook and Driver to a wealthy man.

To identify him, Damayanthi plans a mock Suyamvaram. Now the appearance of Kind Nalan had totally changed. But Damayanthi identifies him by tasting the ready to cook meat pieces, prepared by Nalan.

What a master stroke? It conveys several information.

Married female, when abandoned by husband were allowed to remarry, in same way as if unmarried.. conducting Suyamwaram.

Non Veg is regular food for Hindus.

Even mighty Kings could not do much in deciding the fate of married daughters.

God is in small things. Be attentive to every small details in anything and everything.

Science is Hinduism.

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