வாழ்வினில் வாழ்வு தொலைத்து, அறிவினால் ஞானம் தொலைத்து, தகவலால் அறிவும் தொலைந்தது.
We want to live a decent purposeful living. In the process, we lost the life. In search of wisdom, knowledge was lost. Information has overwhelmed the knowledge.
What is important? Life, wisdom, knowledge or information. Of this four, which one is more important?
Ordinary people lead a simple satisfactory life. A housewife. A farmer. A small trader. A temple priest. They lead a simple satisfactory life.
Because they don’t search for wisdom. They don’t seek much more knowledge. They don’t store too much of information. Life is simple and easy.
Hindu literatures and epics are always revolving around this basic concept.
கொக்கென்று நினைத்தாயோ கொங்கணவா? Did you think, I was that bird thay you cursed? Asked an ordinary housewife to a sage, who tried to curse her.
There are too many stories and real incidents in life, wherein ordinary people from all walk of life, get the direct blessings of God, and envied by Pandits.
Purposeful living is just living. Doing the routine. It is well characterised in Hinduism.
Hinduism does not mandate everyone doing 5 times prayer or compulsory enrollment in a church and contribute necessarily a portion of income.
Just live. And let Others live. Jain Mahavir. Though due to political necessity, Jainism, Sikhism, Budhism are listed as separate religions, they all, including much debated Atheism is part of Hinduism.