WE can not help
“The only person who cannot be helped is that person who blames others.”
The word, ‘help’ has different meaning. In a situation, financial assistance, support in physical activity, giving advices may be called help. In some cases, being together and do nothing is also help. A person without self realization is probably the meaning here and such a person can not be changed is the meaning that he can not be helped.
In Mahabharata, Saguni is portrayed as principal villain and mischief maker. In most of the circumstances he did not have a self realization. He did not understand, he needs to be in his own country and not living in the country of his married sister, however much she adored her. Bhisma, the great grandfather for all, made several subtle attempts to send him back to his country and one stage declared, ‘get-out’. By that time, Duryodhana was so much dependent on his maternal uncle Saguni, he found difficult to take any decision. He called Saguni to come back again and guide him.
Krishna too as maternal uncle, wanted his sister’s son or clan to become King. I say, Mahabharata is fight between maternal uncles in which Krishna temporarily won. But Krishna gave enough freedom to Pandava and to his own sister too. He helped Pandava, in not being with them together at all time, and making appearance only when desired or necessitated.
In normal life, we too see such circumstances. Parents who keep their children together with them at all times (they call children even when the son or daughter has crossed age 40s, or 50s or 60s), in effect prevent their growth and decision making capacities. They are helping only when they keep distance, physically and mentally.
Islam is a religion that blames others. What was perceived as defects in Polytheism, you may call Hinduism or Paganism, the polytheism existed in various formats all over the world with different Gods adorned with different duties and celebrations. When the human beings in a particular country or region defaulted in understanding and practicing, instead of making corrections, Islam blamed others and created a strict control in every aspect of humanity. So we can not help. They need to self realize. Such a self realization already started in core Islamic countries by allowing appreciating Hindu way of thinking and allowing the liberty to build temple in their Kingdom. The same with Christianity also. Christian world is no more opposing Hindu way of living and practices.
So, we can not help when the eyes are closed and they cry, vision is affected. Rajmata, ‘Satyavati’, the great grand mother of entire Mahabharata says, when was being a fisher women, ‘Have greed for success. Open the eyes. Eyes are small, but when you keep it open, you can see the entire universe, with happiness’. That is the Science of Hinduism. 🙏🏻